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  • Advisory: Security Issue with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Titan Security Keys
  • What’s New in Android Q Security
  • Detecting unsafe path access patterns with PathAuditor
  • Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust
  • Toward Quantum Resilient Security Keys
  • Announcing GUAC, a great pairing with SLSA (and SBOM)!
  • Queue the Hardening Enhancements
  • DNS-over-HTTP/3 in Android
  • Google and Apple deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in Android and iOS
  • Announcing the launch of GUAC v0.1

Sustaining Digital Certificate Security - Entrust Certificate Distrust

Published: 2024-06-27 17:16:00

Popularity: 102

Author: Google

LLM Says: "Certificate Crash"

Posted by Chrome Root Program, Chrome Security Team

The Chrome Security Team prioritizes the security and privacy of Chrome’s users, and we are unwilling to compromise on these values.

The Chrome Root Program Policy states that CA certificates included in the Chrome Root Store must provide value to Chrome end users that exceeds the risk of their continued inclusion. It also describes many of the factors we consider significant when CA Owners disclose and respond to incidents. When things don’t go right, we expect CA Owners to commit to meaningful and demonstrable change resulting in evidenced continuous improvement.

Over the past several years, publicly disclosed incident reports highlighted a pattern of concerning behaviors by Entrust that fall short of the above expectations, and has eroded confidence in their competence, reliability, and integrity as a publicly-trusted CA Owner.

In response to the above concerns and to preserve the integrity of the Web PKI ecosystem, Chrome will take the following actions.

Upcoming change in Chrome 127 and higher:

This approach attempts to minimize disruption to existing subscribers using a recently announced Chrome feature to remove default trust based on the SCTs in certificates.

Additionally, should a Chrome user or enterprise explicitly trust any of the above certificates on a platform and version of Chrome relying on the Chrome Root Store (e.g., explicit trust is conveyed through a Group Policy Object on Windows), the SCT-based constraints described above will be overridden and certificates will function as they do today.

To further minimize risk of disruption, website operators are encouraged to review the “Frequently Asked Questions" listed below.

Why is Chrome taking action?

Certification Authorities (CAs) serve a privileged and trusted role on the Internet that underpin encrypted connections between browsers and websites. With this tremendous responsibility comes an expectation of adhering to reasonable and consensus-driven security and compliance expectations, including those defined by the CA/Browser TLS Baseline Requirements.

Over the past six years, we have observed a pattern of compliance failures, unmet improvement commitments, and the absence of tangible, measurable progress in response to publicly disclosed incident reports. When these factors are considered in aggregate and considered against the inherent risk each publicly-trusted CA poses to the Internet ecosystem, it is our opinion that Chrome’s continued trust in Entrust is no longer justified.

When will this action happen?

Blocking action will begin on approximately November 1, 2024, affecting certificates issued at that point or later.

Blocking action will occur in Versions of Chrome 127 and greater on Windows, macOS, ChromeOS, Android, and Linux. Apple policies prevent the Chrome Certificate Verifier and corresponding Chrome Root Store from being used on Chrome for iOS.

What is the user impact of this action?

By default, Chrome users in the above populations who navigate to a website serving a certificate issued by Entrust or AffirmTrust after October 31, 2024 will see a full page interstitial similar to this one.

Certificates issued by other CAs are not impacted by this action.

How can a website operator tell if their website is affected?

Website operators can determine if they are affected by this issue by using the Chrome Certificate Viewer.

Use the Chrome Certificate Viewer

  • Navigate to a website (e.g.,
  • Click the “Tune" icon
  • Click “Connection is Secure"
  • Click “Certificate is Valid" (the Chrome Certificate Viewer will open)
    • Website owner action is not required, if the “Organization (O)” field listed beneath the “Issued By" heading does not contain “Entrust" or “AffirmTrust”.
    • Website owner action is required, if the “Organization (O)” field listed beneath the “Issued By" heading contains “Entrust" or “AffirmTrust”.

What does an affected website operator do?

We recommend that affected website operators transition to a new publicly-trusted CA Owner as soon as reasonably possible. To avoid adverse website user impact, action must be completed before the existing certificate(s) expire if expiry is planned to take place after October 31, 2024.

While website operators could delay the impact of blocking action by choosing to collect and install a new TLS certificate issued from Entrust before Chrome’s blocking action begins on November 1, 2024, website operators will inevitably need to collect and install a new TLS certificate from one of the many other CAs included in the Chrome Root Store.

Can I test these changes before they take effect?


A command-line flag was added beginning in Chrome 128 (available in Canary/Dev at the time of this post’s publication) that allows administrators and power users to simulate the effect of an SCTNotAfter distrust constraint as described in this blog post FAQ.

How to: Simulate an SCTNotAfter distrust

1. Close all open versions of Chrome

2. Start Chrome using the following command-line flag, substituting variables described below with actual values

--test-crs-constraints=$[Comma Separated List of Trust Anchor Certificate SHA256 Hashes]:sctnotafter=$[epoch_timestamp]

3. Evaluate the effects of the flag with test websites 

Example: The following command will simulate an SCTNotAfter distrust with an effective date of April 30, 2024 11:59:59 PM GMT for all of the Entrust trust anchors included in the Chrome Root Store. The expected behavior is that any website whose certificate is issued before the enforcement date/timestamp will function in Chrome, and all issued after will display an interstitial.

--test-crs-constraints=02ED0EB28C14DA45165C566791700D6451D7FB56F0B2AB1D3B8EB070E56EDFF5, 43DF5774B03E7FEF5FE40D931A7BEDF1BB2E6B42738C4E6D3841103D3AA7F339, 6DC47172E01CBCB0BF62580D895FE2B8AC9AD4F873801E0C10B9C837D21EB177, 73C176434F1BC6D5ADF45B0E76E727287C8DE57616C1E6E6141A2B2CBC7D8E4C, DB3517D1F6732A2D5AB97C533EC70779EE3270A62FB4AC4238372460E6F01E88, 0376AB1D54C5F9803CE4B2E201A0EE7EEF7B57B636E8A93C9B8D4860C96F5FA7, 0A81EC5A929777F145904AF38D5D509F66B5E2C58FCDB531058B0E17F3F0B41B, 70A73F7F376B60074248904534B11482D5BF0E698ECC498DF52577EBF2E93B9A, BD71FDF6DA97E4CF62D1647ADD2581B07D79ADF8397EB4ECBA9C5E8488821423 :sctnotafter=1714521599

Illustrative Command (on Windows):

"C:\Users\User123\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" --test-crs-constraints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sctnotafter=1714521599

Illustrative Command (on macOS):

"/Applications/Google Chrome Chrome Canary" --test-crs-constraints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sctnotafter=1714521599

Note: If copy and pasting the above commands, ensure no line-breaks are introduced.

Learn more about command-line flags here.

I use Entrust certificates for my internal enterprise network, do I need to do anything?

Beginning in Chrome 127, enterprises can override Chrome Root Store constraints like those described for Entrust in this blog post by installing the corresponding root CA certificate as a locally-trusted root on the platform Chrome is running (e.g., installed in the Microsoft Certificate Store as a Trusted Root CA).

How do enterprises add a CA as locally-trusted?

Customer organizations should defer to platform provider guidance.

What about other Google products?

Other Google product team updates may be made available in the future.


Toward Quantum Resilient Security Keys

Published: 2023-08-15 21:57:00

Popularity: 58

Author: Kimberly Samra

Elie Bursztein, cybersecurity and AI research director, Fabian Kaczmarczyck, software engineer

As part of our effort to deploy quantum resistant cryptography, we are happy to announce the release of the first quantum resilient FIDO2 security key implementation as part of OpenSK, our open source security key firmware. This open-source hardware optimized implementation uses a novel ECC/Dilithium hybrid signature schema that benefits from the security of ECC against standard attacks and Dilithium’s resilience against quantum attacks. This schema was co-developed in partnership with the ETH Zürich and won the ACNS secure cryptographic implementation workshop best paper.

Quantum processor

As progress toward practical quantum computers is accelerating, preparing for their advent is becoming a more pressing issue as time passes. In particular, standard public key cryptography which was designed to protect against traditional computers, will not be able to withstand quantum attacks. Fortunately, with the recent standardization of public key quantum resilient cryptography including the Dilithium algorithm, we now have a clear path to secure security keys against quantum attacks.

While quantum attacks are still in the distant future, deploying cryptography at Internet scale is a massive undertaking which is why doing it as early as possible is vital. In particular, for security keys this process is expected to be gradual as users will have to acquire new ones once FIDO has standardized post quantum cryptography resilient cryptography and this new standard is supported by major browser vendors.

Hybrid signature: Strong nesting with classical and PQC scheme

Our proposed implementation relies on a hybrid approach that combines the battle tested ECDSA signature algorithm and the recently standardized quantum resistant signature algorithm, Dilithium. In collaboration with ETH, we developed this novel hybrid signature schema that offers the best of both worlds. Relying on a hybrid signature is critical as the security of Dilithium and other recently standardized quantum resistant algorithms haven’t yet stood the test of time and recent attacks on Rainbow (another quantum resilient algorithm) demonstrate the need for caution. This cautiousness is particularly warranted for security keys as most can’t be upgraded – although we are working toward it for OpenSK. The hybrid approach is also used in other post-quantum efforts like Chrome’s support for TLS.

On the technical side, a large challenge was to create a Dilithium implementation small enough to run on security keys’ constrained hardware. Through careful optimization, we were able to develop a Rust memory optimized implementation that only required 20 KB of memory, which was sufficiently small enough. We also spent time ensuring that our implementation signature speed was well within the expected security keys specification. That said, we believe improving signature speed further by leveraging hardware acceleration would allow for keys to be more responsive.

Moving forward, we are hoping  to see this implementation (or a variant of it), being standardized as part of the FIDO2 key specification and supported by major web browsers so that users' credentials can be protected against quantum attacks. If you are interested in testing this algorithm or contributing to security key research, head to our open source implementation OpenSK.


Introducing a new way to buzz for eBPF vulnerabilities

Published: 2023-05-11 16:44:00

Popularity: 9

Author: Kimberly Samra

Juan José López Jaimez, Security Researcher and Meador Inge, Security Engineer

Today, we are announcing Buzzer, a new eBPF Fuzzing framework that aims to help hardening the Linux Kernel.

What is eBPF and how does it verify safety?

eBPF is a technology that allows developers and sysadmins to easily run programs in a privileged context, like an operating system kernel. Recently, its popularity has increased, with more products adopting it as, for example, a network filtering solution. At the same time, it has maintained its relevance in the security research community, since it provides a powerful attack surface into the operating system.

While there are many solutions for fuzzing vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel, they are not necessarily tailored to the unique features of eBPF. In particular, eBPF has many complex security rules that programs must follow to be considered valid and safe. These rules are enforced by a component of eBPF referred to as the "verifier". The correctness properties of the verifier implementation have proven difficult to understand by reading the source code alone. 

That’s why our security team at Google decided to create a new fuzzer framework that aims to test the limits of the eBPF verifier through generating eBPF programs.

The eBPF verifier’s main goal is to make sure that a program satisfies a certain set of safety rules, for example: programs should not be able to write outside designated memory regions, certain arithmetic operations should be restricted on pointers, and so on. However, like all pieces of software, there can be holes in the logic of these checks. This could potentially cause unsafe behavior of an eBPF program and have security implications.

Introducing Buzzer a new way to fuzz eBPF

Buzzer aims to detect these errors in the verifier’s validation logic by generating a high volume of eBPF programs – around 35k per minute. It then takes each generated program and runs it through the verifier. If the verifier thinks it is safe, then the program is executed in a running kernel to determine if it is actually safe. Errors in the runtime behavior are detected through instrumentation code added by Buzzer.

It is with this technique that Buzzer found its first issue, CVE-2023-2163, an error in the branch pruning logic of the eBPF verifier that can cause unsafe paths to be overlooked, thus leading to arbitrary reading and writing of kernel memory. This issue demonstrates not only the complexity in the task that the verifier tries to accomplish (to make sure a program is safe in an efficient manner), but also how Buzzer can help researchers uncover complex bugs by automatically exploring corner cases in the verifier’s logic.

Additionally, Buzzer includes an easy to use eBPF generation library that makes it unique from other eBPF, or other general purpose Linux kernel fuzzers. By focusing on this particular technology, Buzzer is allowed to tailor its strategies to the eBPF features.

We are excited about the contributions Buzzer will make to the overall hardening of the Linux Kernel by making the eBPF implementation safer. Our team plans to develop some new features, such as the ability to run eBPF programs across distributed VMs. 

Now that the code is open source, we are looking for contributors! If you have any interesting ideas for a feature we could implement in Buzzer, let us know in our GitHub repository.

We look forward to hearing your ideas and making eBPF safer together! Let the fuzzing begin.


Announcing the launch of GUAC v0.1

Published: 2023-05-24 16:01:00

Popularity: 18

Author: Kimberly Samra

Brandon Lum and Mihai Maruseac, Google Open Source Security Team

Today, we are announcing the launch of the v0.1 version of Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC). Introduced at Kubecon 2022 in October, GUAC targets a critical need in the software industry to understand the software supply chain. In collaboration with Kusari, Purdue University, Citi, and community members, we have incorporated feedback from our early testers to improve GUAC and make it more useful for security professionals. This improved version is now available as an API for you to start developing on top of, and integrating into, your systems.

The need for GUAC

High-profile incidents such as Solarwinds, and the recent 3CX supply chain double-exposure, are evidence that supply chain attacks are getting more sophisticated. As highlighted by the U.S. Executive Order on Cybersecurity, there’s a critical need for security professionals, CISOs, and security engineers to be able to more deeply link information from different supply chain ecosystems to keep up with attackers and prevent exposure. Without linking different sources of information, it’s impossible to have a clear understanding of the potential risks posed by the software components in an organization. 

GUAC aggregates software security metadata and maps it to a standard vocabulary of concepts relevant to the software supply chain. This data can be accessed via a GraphQL interface, allowing development of a rich ecosystem of integrations, command-line tools, visualizations, and policy engines. 

We hope that GUAC will help the wider software development community better evaluate the supply chain security posture of their organizations and projects. Feedback from early adopters has been overwhelmingly positive: 

“At Yahoo, we have found immense value and significant efficiency by utilizing the open source project GUAC. GUAC has allowed us to streamline our processes and increase efficiency in a way that was not possible before,” said Hemil Kadakia, Sr. Mgr. Software Dev Engineering, Paranoids, Yahoo.

The power of GUAC

Dynamic aggregation

GUAC is not just a static database—it is the first application that is continuously evolving the database pertaining to the software that an organization develops or uses. Supply chains change daily, and by aggregating your Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) and Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) attestations with threat intelligence sources (e.g., OSV vulnerability feeds) and OSS insights (e.g.,, GUAC is constantly incorporating the latest threat information and deeper analytics to help paint a more complete picture of your risk profile. And by merging external data with internal private metadata, GUAC brings the same level of reasoning to a company’s first-party software portfolio.

Seamless integration of incomplete metadata

Because of the complexity of the modern software stack—often spanning languages and toolchains—we discovered during GUAC development that it is difficult to produce high-quality SBOMs that are accurate, complete, and meet specifications and intents. 

Following the U.S. Executive Order on Cybersecurity, there are now a large number of SBOM documents being generated during release and build workflows to explain to consumers what’s in their software. Given the difficulty in producing accurate SBOMs, consumers often face a situation where they have incomplete, inaccurate, or conflicting SBOMs. In these situations, GUAC can fill in the gaps in the various supply chain metadata: GUAC can link the documents and then use heuristics to improve the quality of data and guess at the correct intent. Additionally, the GUAC community is now working closely with SPDX to advance SBOM tooling and improve the quality of metadata. 


GUAC's process for incorporating and enriching metadata for organizational insight

Consistent interfaces

Alongside the boom in SBOM production, there’s been a rapid expansion of new standards, document types, and formats, making it hard to perform consistent queries. The multiple formats for software supply chain metadata often refer to similar concepts, but with different terms. To integrate these, GUAC defines a common vocabulary for talking about the software supply chain—for example, artifacts, packages, repositories, and the relationships between them. 

This vocabulary is then exposed as a GraphQL API, empowering users to build powerful integrations on top of GUAC’s knowledge graph. For example, users are able to query seamlessly with the same commands across different SBOM formats like SPDX and CycloneDX. 

According to Ed Warnicke, Distinguished Engineer at Cisco Systems, "Supply chain security is increasingly about making sense of many different kinds of metadata from many different sources. GUAC knits all of that information together into something understandable and actionable." 

Potential integrations

Based on these features, we envision potential integrations that users can build on top of GUAC in order to:

  • Create policies based on trust

  • Quickly react to security compromises 

  • Determine an upgrade plan in response to a security incident

  • Create visualizers for data explorations, CLI tools for large scale analysis and incident response, CI checks, IDE plugins to shift policy left, and more

Developers can also build data source integrations under GUAC to expand its coverage. The entire GUAC architecture is plug-and-play, so you can write data integrations to get:

  • Supply chain metadata from new sources like your preferred security vendors

  • Parsers to translate this metadata into the GUAC ontology

  • Database backends to store the GUAC data in either common databases or in organization-defined private data stores

GUAC's GraphQL query API enables a diverse ecosystem of tooling

Dejan Bosanac, an engineer at Red Hat and an active contributor to the GUAC project, further described GUAC’s ingestion abilities, “With mechanisms to ingest and certify data from various sources and GraphQL API to later query those data, we see it as a good foundation for our current and future SSCS efforts. Being a true open source initiative with a welcoming community is just a plus.” 

Next steps

Google is committed to making GUAC the best metadata synthesis and aggregation tool for security professionals. GUAC contributors are excited to meet at our monthly community calls and look forward to seeing demos of new applications built with GUAC.

“At Kusari, we are proud to have joined forces with Google's Open Source Security Team and the community to create and build GUAC,” says Tim Miller, CEO of Kusari. “With GUAC, we believe in the critical role it plays in safeguarding the software supply chain and we are dedicated to ensuring its success in the ecosystem.” 

Google is preparing SBOMs for consumption by the US Federal Government following EO 14028, and we are internally ingesting our SBOM catalog into GUAC to gather early insights. We encourage you to do the same with the GUAC release and submit your feedback. If the API is not flexible enough, please let us know how we can extend it. You can also submit suggestions and feedback on GUAC development or use cases, either by emailing or filing an issue on our GitHub repository.

We hope you'll join us in this journey with GUAC!


Google Trust Services ACME API available to all users at no cost

Published: 2023-05-25 16:00:00

Popularity: 6

Author: Kimberly Samra

David Kluge, Technical Program Manager, and Andy Warner, Product Manager

Nobody likes preventable site errors, but they happen disappointingly often. 

The last thing you want your customers to see is a dreaded 'Your connection is not private' error instead of the service they expected to reach. Most certificate errors are preventable and one of the best ways to help prevent issues is by automating your certificate lifecycle using the ACME standard. Google Trust Services now offers our ACME API to all users with a Google Cloud account (referred to as “users” here), allowing them to automatically acquire and renew publicly-trusted TLS certificates for free. The ACME API has been available as a preview and over 200 million certificates have been issued already, offering the same compatibility as major Google services like or

The Automatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol enables users to easily automate their TLS certificate lifecycle using a standards based API supported by dozens of clients to maintain certificates. ACME has become the de facto standard for certificate management on the web and has helped broaden adoption of TLS. The majority of all TLS certificates in the WebPKI today are issued by ACME CAs. ACME users experience fewer service outages caused by expired certificates by using ACME's automated certificate renewal capabilities. Manual certificate updates are a common source of outages, even for major online services. Sites already using ACME can configure multiple ACME providers to increase resilience during CA outages or mass renewal events.

What customers say

During the preview phase, the ACME endpoint has already been used extensively. The number of certificates requested by our users has driven up the GTS issuance volume to the fourth largest publicly trusted Certificate Authority.

"At Cloudflare, we believe encryption should be free for all; we pioneered that for all our customers back in 2014 when we included encryption for free in all our products. We're glad to see Google join the ranks of certificate authorities that believe encryption should be free for everyone, and we're proud to offer Google as a CA choice for our customers. Their technical expertise guarantees they'll be able to scale to meet the needs of an increasingly encrypted Internet," says Matthew Prince, CEO, Cloudflare.

Making the Web Safer

The Google Trust Services ACME API was introduced last year as a preview. The service recently expanded support for Google Domains customers. By further opening up the service, we're adding another tool to Google’s Cyber Security Advancements, keeping individuals, businesses, and governments safer online through highly trusted and free certificates. We're also introducing two significant features that further enhance the certificate ecosystem: ACME Renewal Information (ARI) and Multi-perspective Domain Validation. ARI is a new standard to help manage renewals that we're excited to support. General availability of multi-perspective domain validation brings the benefits of years of work to increase the security of Google's certificates for all users.

ACME Renewal Information (ARI)

ACME Renewal Information (ARI) addresses the longstanding challenge of knowing when a certificate must be replaced before its standard renewal period via an API.

ARI is an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Internet Draft authored by Let’s Encrypt as an extension to the ACME protocol. It helps service operators automatically replace their certificates in case revocation must occur before the certificate expires. 

Serving certificate renewal information via ACME is particularly useful for managing large certificate populations. ARI could have potentially made a difference in past certificate replacement events affecting large parts of the WebPKI, including the 2019 serial number entropy bug affecting multiple CAs which forced rapid replacement of hundreds of thousands of certificates.

Multi-Perspective Domain Validation

Multi-perspective domain validation (MPDV), enhances the validation process for certificate issuance. Publicly-trusted CAs, like Google Trust Services, ensure only authorized requesters can obtain certificates for a given domain name by confirming the requester can prove control over the domain via validation challenges. Domain validation provides a high level of assurance under normal conditions. However, domain control validation methods can be vulnerable to attacks such as DNS cache poisoning and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) hijacking.

With MPDV, domain control verification is performed from multiple locations, referred to as “network perspectives.” Using multiple perspectives significantly improves the reliability of validation by preventing localized attacks from being able to fool validation checks. Let’s Encrypt adopted the first at-scale MPDV implementation, which performed the validation from three different network perspectives and required a quorum before issuance.

Our approach is similar. We also require a quorum of different network perspectives, but thanks to the scale and reach of our infrastructure, we have thousands of egress points forming “regional perspectives” that deter attackers from compromising enough targets to secure an invalid validation.

How do I use it?

Please see the Public CA Tutorial. The ACME API is free and available to anyone with a Google Cloud account. More information is available at

Time to challenge yourself in the 2023 Google CTF!

Published: 2023-05-26 21:55:00

Popularity: 6

Author: Kimberly Samra

Vincent Winstead, Technical Program Manager

It’s Google CTF time! Get your hacking toolbox ready and prepare your caffeine for rapid intake. The competition kicks off on June 23 2023 6:00 PM UTC and runs through June 25 2023 6:00 PM UTC. Registration is now open at

Google CTF gives you a chance to challenge your skillz, show off your hacktastic abilities, and learn some new tricks along the way. It consists of a set of computer security puzzles (or challenges) involving reverse-engineering, memory corruption, cryptography, web technologies, and more. Use obscure security knowledge to find exploits through bugs and creative misuse. With each completed challenge your team will earn points and move up through the ranks. 

The top 8 teams will qualify for our Hackceler8 competition taking place in Tokyo later this year. Hackceler8 is our experimental esport-style hacking game, custom-made to mix CTF and speedrunning. In the competition, teams need to find clever ways to abuse the game features to capture flags as quickly as possible. See the 2022 highlight reel to get a sense of what it’s like. The prize pool for this year’s event stands at more than $32,000!

Screenshot from Hackeler8 2022 speedrun competition

Itching to get started early? Want to learn more, or get a leg up on the competition? Review challenges from previous years, including previous Hackceler8 matches, all open sourced on GitHub. Or gain inspiration by binge watching hours of Hackceler8 2020 videos!

If you are just starting out in this space, check out last year’s event H4CK1NG GOOGLE! It’s a great way to get acquainted with security. You can also get ready for this year’s Beginner’s Quest that’ll be launching later this summer which will be in the theme of Computer History, so get ready for some technology archaeology.

Whether you’re a seasoned CTF player or just curious about cyber security and ethical hacking, we want you to join us. Sign up to expand your skill set, meet new friends in the security community, and even watch the pros in action. For the latest announcements, see, subscribe to our mailing list, or follow us on Twitter @GoogleVRP. Interested in bug hunting for Google? Check out See you there!


Announcing GUAC, a great pairing with SLSA (and SBOM)!

Published: 2022-10-20 17:01:00

Popularity: 57

Author: Google

Posted by Brandon Lum, Mihai Maruseac, Isaac Hepworth, Google Open Source Security Team

Supply chain security is at the fore of the industry’s collective consciousness. We’ve recently seen a significant rise in software supply chain attacks, a Log4j vulnerability of catastrophic severity and breadth, and even an Executive Order on Cybersecurity.

It is against this background that Google is seeking contributors to a new open source project called GUAC (pronounced like the dip). GUAC, or Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition, is in the early stages yet is poised to change how the industry understands software supply chains. GUAC addresses a need created by the burgeoning efforts across the ecosystem to generate software build, security, and dependency metadata. True to Google’s mission to organize and make the world’s information universally accessible and useful, GUAC is meant to democratize the availability of this security information by making it freely accessible and useful for every organization, not just those with enterprise-scale security and IT funding.

Thanks to community collaboration in groups such as OpenSSF, SLSA, SPDX, CycloneDX, and others, organizations increasingly have ready access to:

These data are useful on their own, but it’s difficult to combine and synthesize the information for a more comprehensive view. The documents are scattered across different databases and producers, are attached to different ecosystem entities, and cannot be easily aggregated to answer higher-level questions about an organization’s software assets.

To help address this issue we’ve teamed up with Kusari, Purdue University, and Citi to create GUAC, a free tool to bring together many different sources of software security metadata. We’re excited to share the project’s proof of concept, which lets you query a small dataset of software metadata including SLSA provenance, SBOMs, and OpenSSF Scorecards.

What is GUAC

Graph for Understanding Artifact Composition (GUAC) aggregates software security metadata into a high fidelity graph database—normalizing entity identities and mapping standard relationships between them. Querying this graph can drive higher-level organizational outcomes such as audit, policy, risk management, and even developer assistance.

Conceptually, GUAC occupies the “aggregation and synthesis” layer of the software supply chain transparency logical model:

GUAC has four major areas of functionality:

  1. Collection
    GUAC can be configured to connect to a variety of sources of software security metadata. Some sources may be open and public (e.g., OSV); some may be first-party (e.g., an organization’s internal repositories); some may be proprietary third-party (e.g., from data vendors).
  2. Ingestion
    From its upstream data sources GUAC imports data on artifacts, projects, resources, vulnerabilities, repositories, and even developers.
  3. Collation
    Having ingested raw metadata from disparate upstream sources, GUAC assembles it into a coherent graph by normalizing entity identifiers, traversing the dependency tree, and reifying implicit entity relationships, e.g., project → developer; vulnerability → software version; artifact → source repo, and so on.
  4. Query
    Against an assembled graph one may query for metadata attached to, or related to, entities within the graph. Querying for a given artifact may return its SBOM, provenance, build chain, project scorecard, vulnerabilities, and recent lifecycle events — and those for its transitive dependencies.

    A CISO or compliance officer in an organization wants to be able to reason about the risk of their organization. An open source organization like the Open Source Security Foundation wants to identify critical libraries to maintain and secure. Developers need richer and more trustworthy intelligence about the dependencies in their projects.

    The good news is, increasingly one finds the upstream supply chain already enriched with attestations and metadata to power higher-level reasoning and insights. The bad news is that it is difficult or impossible today for software consumers, operators, and administrators to gather this data into a unified view across their software assets.

    To understand something complex like the blast radius of a vulnerability, one needs to trace the relationship between a component and everything else in the portfolio—a task that could span thousands of metadata documents across hundreds of sources. In the open source ecosystem, the number of documents could reach into the millions.

    GUAC aggregates and synthesizes software security metadata at scale and makes it meaningful and actionable. With GUAC in hand, we will be able to answer questions at three important stages of software supply chain security:

    • Proactive, e.g.,
      • What are the most used critical components in my software supply chain ecosystem?
      • Where are the weak points in my overall security posture?
      • How do I prevent supply chain compromises before they happen?
      • Where am I exposed to risky dependencies?
    • Operational, e.g.,
      • Is there evidence that the application I’m about to deploy meets organization policy?
      • Do all binaries in production trace back to a securely managed repository?
    • Reactive, e.g.,
      • Which parts of my organization’s inventory is affected by new vulnerability X?
      • A suspicious project lifecycle event has occurred. Where is risk introduced to my organization?
      • An open source project is being deprecated. How am I affected?

Get Involved

GUAC is an Open Source project on Github, and we are excited to get more folks involved and contributing (read the contributor guide to get started)! The project is still in its early stages, with a proof of concept that can ingest SLSA, SBOM, and Scorecard documents and support simple queries and exploration of software metadata. The next efforts will focus on scaling the current capabilities and adding new document types for ingestion. We welcome help and contributions of code or documentation.

Since the project will be consuming documents from many different sources and formats, we have put together a group of “Technical Advisory Members'' to help advise the project. These members include representation from companies and groups such as SPDX, CycloneDX Anchore, Aquasec, IBM, Intel, and many more. If you’re interested in participating as a contributor or advisor representing end users’ needs—or the sources of metadata GUAC consumes—you can register your interest in the relevant GitHub issue.

The GUAC team will be showcasing the project at Kubecon NA 2022 next week. Come by our session if you’ll be there and have a chat with us—we’d be happy to talk in person or virtually!


Announcing the Open Sourcing of Paranoid's Library

Published: 2022-08-24 17:14:00

Popularity: 10

Author: Kimberly Samra

Posted by Pedro Barbosa, Security Engineer, and Daniel Bleichenbacher, Software Engineer

Paranoid is a project to detect well-known weaknesses in large amounts of crypto artifacts, like public keys and digital signatures. On August 3rd 2022 we open sourced the library containing the checks that we implemented so far ( The library is developed and maintained by members of the Google Security Team, but it is not an officially supported Google product.

Why the Project?

Crypto artifacts may be generated by systems with implementations unknown to us; we refer to them as “black boxes.” An artifact may be generated by a black-box if, for example, it was not generated by one of our own tools (such as Tink), or by a library that we can inspect and test using Wycheproof. Unfortunately, sometimes we end up relying on black-box generated artifacts (e.g. generated by proprietary HSMs).

After the disclosure of the ROCA vulnerability, we wondered what other weaknesses may exist in crypto artifacts generated by black boxes, and what we could do to detect and mitigate them. We then started working on this project in 2019 and created a library to perform checks against large amounts of crypto artifacts.

The library contains implementations and optimizations of existing work found in the literature. The literature shows that the generation of artifacts is flawed in some cases - below are examples of publications the library is based on.

As a recent example, CVE-2022-26320 found by Hanno Böck, confirmed the importance of checking for known weaknesses. Paranoid has already found similar weak keys independently (via the CheckFermat test). We also believe the project has potential to detect new vulnerabilities since we typically attempt to generalize detections as much as we can.

Call for Contributions

The goal of open sourcing the library is to increase transparency, allow other ecosystems to use it (such as Certificate Authorities - CAs that need to run similar checks to meet compliance), and receive contributions from external researchers. By doing so, we’re making a call for contributions, in hopes that after researchers find and report crypto vulnerabilities, the checks are added into the library. This way, Google and the rest of the world can respond quickly to new threats.

Note, the project is intended to be light in its use of computational resources. The checks must be fast enough to run against large numbers of artifacts and must make sense in real world production context. Projects with less restrictions, such as RsaCtfTool, may be more appropriate for different use cases.

In addition to contributions of new checks, improvements to those that already exist are also welcome. By analyzing the released source one can see some problems that are still open. For example, for ECDSA signatures in which the secrets are generated using java.util.random, we have a precomputed model that is able to detect this vulnerability given two signatures over secp256r1 in most cases. However, for larger curves such as secp384r1, we have not been able to precompute a model with significant success.

In addition to ECDSA signatures, we also implemented checks for RSA and EC public keys, and general (pseudo) random bit streams. For the latter, we were able to build some improvements on the NIST SP 800-22 test suite and to include additional tests using lattice reduction techniques.

Preliminary results

Similar to other published works, we have been analyzing the crypto artifacts from Certificate Transparency (CT), which logs issued website certificates since 2013 with the goal of making them transparent and verifiable. Its database contains more than 7 billion certificates.

For the checks of EC public keys and ECDSA signatures, so far, we have not found any weak artifacts in CT. For the RSA public key checks with severities high or critical, we have the following results:

Some of these certificates were already expired or revoked. For the ones that were still active (most of the CheckGCD ones), we immediately reported them to the CAs to be revoked. Reporting weak certificates is important to keep the internet secure, as stated by the policies of the CAs. The Let's Encrypt policy, for example, is defined here. In another example, Digicert states:

Certificate revocation and certificate problem reporting are an important part of online trust. Certificate revocation is used to prevent the use of certificates with compromised private keys, reduce the threat of malicious websites, and address system-wide attacks and vulnerabilities. As a member of the online community, you play an important role in helping maintain online trust by requesting certificate revocations when needed.

What is next?

We plan to continue analyzing Certificate Transparency, and now with the help of external contributions, we will continue the implementation of new checks and optimization of those existing.

We are also closely watching the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process for new algorithms that make sense to implement checks. New crypto implementations carry the possibility of new bugs, and it is important that Paranoid is able to detect them.


DNS-over-HTTP/3 in Android

Published: 2022-07-19 16:59:00

Popularity: 43

Author: Edward Fernandez


  • android security
  • android
  • Posted by Matthew Maurer and Mike Yu, Android team

    To help keep Android users’ DNS queries private, Android supports encrypted DNS. In addition to existing support for DNS-over-TLS, Android now supports DNS-over-HTTP/3 which has a number of improvements over DNS-over-TLS.

    Most network connections begin with a DNS lookup. While transport security may be applied to the connection itself, that DNS lookup has traditionally not been private by default: the base DNS protocol is raw UDP with no encryption. While the internet has migrated to TLS over time, DNS has a bootstrapping problem. Certificate verification relies on the domain of the other party, which requires either DNS itself, or moves the problem to DHCP (which may be maliciously controlled). This issue is mitigated by central resolvers like Google, Cloudflare, OpenDNS and Quad9, which allow devices to configure a single DNS resolver locally for every network, overriding what is offered through DHCP.

    In Android 9.0, we announced the Private DNS feature, which uses DNS-over-TLS (DoT) to protect DNS queries when enabled and supported by the server. Unfortunately, DoT incurs overhead for every DNS request. An alternative encrypted DNS protocol, DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH), is rapidly gaining traction within the industry as DoH has already been deployed by most public DNS operators, including the Cloudflare Resolver and Google Public DNS. While using HTTPS alone will not reduce the overhead significantly, HTTP/3 uses QUIC, a transport that efficiently multiplexes multiple streams over UDP using a single TLS session with session resumption. All of these features are crucial to efficient operation on mobile devices.

    DNS-over-HTTP/3 (DoH3) support was released as part of a Google Play system update, so by the time you’re reading this, Android devices from Android 11 onwards1 will use DoH3 instead of DoT for well-known2 DNS servers which support it. Which DNS service you are using is unaffected by this change; only the transport will be upgraded. In the future, we aim to support DDR which will allow us to dynamically select the correct configuration for any server. This feature should decrease the performance impact of encrypted DNS.


    DNS-over-HTTP/3 avoids several problems that can occur with DNS-over-TLS operation:

    • As DoT operates on a single stream of requests and responses, many server implementations suffer from head-of-line blocking3. This means that if the request at the front of the line takes a while to resolve (possibly because a recursive resolution is necessary), responses for subsequent requests that would have otherwise been resolved quickly are blocked waiting on that first request. DoH3 by comparison runs each request over a separate logical stream, which means implementations will resolve requests out-of-order by default.
    • Mobile devices change networks frequently as the user moves around. With DoT, these events require a full renegotiation of the connection. By contrast, the QUIC transport HTTP/3 is based on can resume a suspended connection in a single RTT.
    • DoT intends for many queries to use the same connection to amortize the cost of TCP and TLS handshakes at the start. Unfortunately, in practice several factors (such as network disconnects or server TCP connection management) make these connections less long-lived than we might like. Once a connection is closed, establishing the connection again requires at least 1 RTT.

      In unreliable networks, DoH3 may even outperform traditional DNS. While unintuitive, this is because the flow control mechanisms in QUIC can alert either party that packets weren’t received. In traditional DNS, the timeout for a query needs to be based on expected time for the entire query, not just for the resolver to receive the packet.

    Field measurements during the initial limited rollout of this feature show that DoH3 significantly improves on DoT’s performance. For successful queries, our studies showed that replacing DoT with DoH3 reduces median query time by 24%, and 95th percentile query time by 44%. While it might seem suspect that the reported data is conditioned on successful queries, both DoT and DoH3 resolve 97% of queries successfully, so their metrics are directly comparable. UDP resolves only 83% of queries successfully. As a result, UDP latency is not directly comparable to TLS/HTTP3 latency because non-connection-oriented protocols have a different notion of what a "query" is. We have still included it for rough comparison.

    Memory Safety

    The DNS resolver processes input that could potentially be controlled by an attacker, both from the network and from apps on the device. To reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities, we chose to use a memory safe language for the implementation.

    Fortunately, we’ve been adding Rust support to the Android platform. This effort is intended exactly for cases like this — system level features which need to be performant or low level (both in this case) and which would carry risk to implement in C++. While we’ve previously launched Keystore 2.0, this represents our first foray into Rust in Mainline Modules. Cloudflare maintains an HTTP/3 library called quiche, which fits our use case well, as it has a memory-safe implementation, few dependencies, and a small code size. Quiche also supports use directly from C++. We considered this, but even the request dispatching service had sufficient complexity that we chose to implement that portion in Rust as well.

    We built the query engine using the Tokio async framework to simultaneously handle new requests, incoming packet events, control signals, and timers. In C++, this would likely have required multiple threads or a carefully crafted event loop. By leveraging asynchronous in Rust, this occurs on a single thread with minimal locking4. The DoH3 implementation is 1,640 lines and uses a single runtime thread. By comparison, DoT takes 1,680 lines while managing less and using up to 4 threads per DoT server in use.

    Safety and Performance — Together at Last

    With the introduction of Rust, we are able to improve both security and the performance at the same time. Likewise, QUIC allows us to improve network performance and privacy simultaneously. Finally, Mainline ensures that such improvements are able to make their way to more Android users sooner.


    Special thanks to Luke Huang who greatly contributed to the development of this feature, and Lorenzo Colitti for his in-depth review of the technical aspects of this post.

    1. Some Android 10 devices which adopted Google Play system updates early will also receive this feature. 

    2. Google DNS and Cloudflare DNS at launch, others may be added in the future. 

    3. DoT can be implemented in a way that avoids this problem, as the client must accept server responses out of order. However, in practice most servers do not implement this reordering. 

    4. There is a lock used for the SSL context which is accessed once per DNS server, and another on the FFI when issuing a request. The FFI lock could be removed with changes to the C++ side, but has remained because it is low contention. 


    Apache Log4j Vulnerability

    Published: 2021-12-18 02:08:00

    Popularity: 5

    Author: Unknown

    LLM Says: "log4shell bomb"

    Like many other companies, we’re closely following the multiple CVEs regarding Apache Log4j 2. Our security teams are investigating any potential impact on Google products and services and are focused on protecting our users and customers.

    We encourage anyone who manages environments containing Log4j 2 to update to the latest version.

    Based on findings in our ongoing investigations, here is our list of product and service updates as of December 17th (CVE-2021-44228 & CVE-2021-45046):

    Android is not aware of any impact to the Android Platform or Enterprise. At this time, no update is required for this specific vulnerability, but we encourage our customers to ensure that the latest security updates are applied to their devices.

    Chrome OS  releases and infrastructure are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

    Chrome Browser releases, infrastructure and admin console are not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

    Google Cloud has a specific advisory dedicated to updating customers on the status of GCP and Workspace products and services.

    Google Marketing Platform, including Google Ads is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability. This includes Display & Video 360, Search Ads 360, Google Ads, Analytics (360 and free), Optimize 360, Surveys 360 & Tag Manager 360.

    YouTube  is not using versions of Log4j affected by the vulnerability.

    We will continue to update this advisory with the latest information. ...more

    Say hello to OpenSK: a fully open-source security key implementation

    Published: 2020-01-31 15:44:19

    Popularity: None

    Author: None

    LLM Says: "Lock it down"

    Posted by Elie Bursztein, Security & Anti-abuse Research Lead, and Jean-Michel Picod, Software Engineer, Google  Today, FIDO security...


    Detecting unsafe path access patterns with PathAuditor

    Published: 2019-12-09 13:46:00

    Popularity: 114

    Author: Sarah O'Rourke

    LLM Says: "Watch out!"

    Posted by Marta Rożek, Google Summer Intern 2019, and Stephen Röttger, Software Engineer 

    cat /home/user/foo

    What can go wrong if this command runs as root? Does it change anything if foo is a symbolic link to /etc/shadow? How is the output going to be used?

    Depending on the answers to the questions above, accessing files this way could be a vulnerability. The vulnerability exists in syscalls that operate on file paths, such as open, rename, chmod, or exec. For a vulnerability to be present, part of the path has to be user controlled and the program that executes the syscall has to be run at a higher privilege level. In a potential exploit, the attacker can substitute the path for a symlink and create, remove, or execute a file. In many cases, it's possible for an attacker to create the symlink before the syscall is executed.

    At Google, we have been working on a solution to find these potentially problematic issues at scale: PathAuditor. In this blog post we'll outline the problem and explain how you can avoid it in your code with PathAuditor.

    Let’s take a look at a real world example. The tmpreaper utility contained the following code to check if a directory is a mount point:
    if ((dst = malloc(strlen(ent->d_name) + 3)) == NULL)
           message (LOG_FATAL, "malloc failed.\n");
    strcpy(dst, ent->d_name);
    strcat(dst, "/X");
    rename(ent->d_name, dst);
    if (errno == EXDEV) {

    This code will call rename("/tmp/user/controlled", "/tmp/user/controlled/X"). Under the hood, the kernel will resolve the path twice, once for the first argument and once for the second, then perform some checks if the rename is valid and finally try to move the file from one directory to the other.

    However, the problem is that the user can race the kernel code and replace the “/tmp/user/controlled” with a symlink just between the two path resolutions.

    A successful attack would look roughly like this:
    • Make “/tmp/user/controlled” a file with controlled content.
    • The kernel resolves that path for the first argument to rename() and sees the file.
    • Replace “/tmp/user/controlled” with a symlink to /etc/cron.
    • The kernel resolves the path again for the second argument and ends up in /etc/cron.
    • If both the tmp and cron directories are on the filesystem, the kernel will move the attacker controlled file to /etc/cron, leading to code execution as root.
    Can we find such bugs via automated analysis? Well, yes and no. As shown in the tmpreaper example, exploiting these bugs can require some creativity and it depends on the context if they’re vulnerabilities in the first place. Automated analysis can uncover instances of this access pattern and will gather as much information as it can to help with further investigation. However, it will also naturally produce false positives.

    We can’t tell if a call to open(/user/controlled, O_RDONLY) is a vulnerability without looking at the context. It depends on whether the contents are returned to the user or are used in some security sensitive way. A call to chmod(/user/controlled, mode) depending on the mode can be either a DoS or a privilege escalation. Accessing files in sticky directories (like /tmp) can become vulnerabilities if the attacker found an additional bug to delete arbitrary files.

    How Pathauditor works

    To find issues like this at scale we wrote PathAuditor, a tool that monitors file accesses and logs potential vulnerabilities. PathAuditor is a shared library that can be loaded into processes using LD_PRELOAD. It then hooks all filesystem related libc functions and checks if the access is safe. For that, we traverse the path and check if any component could be replaced by an unprivileged user, for example if a directory is user-writable. If we detect such a pattern, we log it to syslog for manual analysis.

    Here's how you can use it to find vulnerabilities in your code:
    • LD_PRELOAD the library to your binary and then analyse its findings in syslog. You can also add the library to /etc/, which will preload it in all binaries running on the system.
    • It will then gather the PID and the command line of the calling process, arguments of the vulnerable function, and a stack trace -- this provides a starting point for further investigation. At this point, you can use the stack trace to find the code path that triggered the violation and manually analyse what would happen if you would point the path to an arbitrary file or directory.
    • For example, if the code is opening a file and returning the content to the user then you could use it to read arbitrary files. If you control the path of chmod or chown, you might be able to change the permissions of chosen files and so on.
    PathAuditor has proved successful at Google and we're excited to share it with the community. The project is still in the early stages and we are actively working on it. We look forward to hearing about any vulnerabilities you discover with the tool, and hope to see pull requests with further improvements.

    Try out the PathAuditor tool here.

    Marta Rożek was a Google Summer intern in 2019 and contributed to this blog and the PathAuditor tool


    Advisory: Security Issue with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Titan Security Keys

    Published: 2019-05-15 16:07:00

    Popularity: 400

    Author: Eugene Liderman

    Posted by Christiaan Brand, Product Manager, Google Cloud

    We’ve become aware of an issue that affects the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) version of the Titan Security Key available in the U.S. and are providing users with the immediate steps they need to take to protect themselves and to receive a free replacement key. This bug affects Bluetooth pairing only, so non-Bluetooth security keys are not affected. Current users of Bluetooth Titan Security Keys should continue to use their existing keys while waiting for a replacement, since security keys provide the strongest protection against phishing.

    What is the security issue?

    Due to a misconfiguration in the Titan Security Keys’ Bluetooth pairing protocols, it is possible for an attacker who is physically close to you at the moment you use your security key -- within approximately 30 feet -- to (a) communicate with your security key, or (b) communicate with the device to which your key is paired. In order for the misconfiguration to be exploited, an attacker would have to align a series of events in close coordination:

    • When you’re trying to sign into an account on your device, you are normally asked to press the button on your BLE security key to activate it. An attacker in close physical proximity at that moment in time can potentially connect their own device to your affected security key before your own device connects. In this set of circumstances, the attacker could sign into your account using their own device if the attacker somehow already obtained your username and password and could time these events exactly.
    • Before you can use your security key, it must be paired to your device. Once paired, an attacker in close physical proximity to you could use their device to masquerade as your affected security key and connect to your device at the moment you are asked to press the button on your key. After that, they could attempt to change their device to appear as a Bluetooth keyboard or mouse and potentially take actions on your device.

    This security issue does not affect the primary purpose of security keys, which is to protect you against phishing by a remote attacker. Security keys remain the strongest available protection against phishing; it is still safer to use a key that has this issue, rather than turning off security key-based two-step verification (2SV) on your Google Account or downgrading to less phishing-resistant methods (e.g. SMS codes or prompts sent to your device). This local proximity Bluetooth issue does not affect USB or NFC security keys.

    Am I affected?

    This issue affects the BLE version of Titan Security Keys. To determine if your key is affected, check the back of the key. If it has a “T1” or “T2” on the back of the key, your key is affected by the issue and is eligible for free replacement.

    Steps to protect yourself

    If you want to minimize the remaining risk until you receive your replacement keys, you can perform the following additional steps:

    iOS devices:

    On devices running iOS version 12.2 or earlier, we recommend using your affected security key in a private place where a potential attacker is not within close physical proximity (approximately 30 feet). After you’ve used your key to sign into your Google Account on your device, immediately unpair it. You can use your key in this manner again while waiting for your replacement, until you update to iOS 12.3.

    Once you update to iOS 12.3, your affected security key will no longer work. You will not be able to use your affected key to sign into your Google Account, or any other account protected by the key, and you will need to order a replacement key. If you are already signed into your Google Account on your iOS device, do not sign out because you won’t be able to sign in again until you get a new key. If you are locked out of your Google Account on your iOS device before your replacement key arrives, see these instructions for getting back into your account. Note that you can continue to sign into your Google Account on non-iOS devices.

    On Android and other devices:

    We recommend using your affected security key in a private place where a potential attacker is not within close physical proximity (approximately 30 feet). After you’ve used your affected security key to sign into your Google Account, immediately unpair it. Android devices updated with the upcoming June 2019 Security Patch Level (SPL) and beyond will automatically unpair affected Bluetooth devices, so you won’t need to unpair manually. You can also continue to use your USB or NFC security keys, which are supported on Android and not affected by this issue.

    How to get a replacement key

    We recommend that everyone with an affected BLE Titan Security Key get a free replacement by visiting

    Is it still safe to use my affected BLE Titan Security Key?

    It is much safer to use the affected key instead of no key at all. Security keys are the strongest protection against phishing currently available.


    Advisory: Security Issue with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Titan Security Keys

    Published: 2019-05-15 17:57:21

    Popularity: None

    Author: Posted by Christiaan Brand, Product Manager, Google Cloud

    Posted by Christiaan Brand, Product Manager, Google Cloud We’ve become aware of an issue that affects the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) vers...


    Queue the Hardening Enhancements

    Published: 2019-05-09 15:35:00

    Popularity: 48

    Author: Eugene Liderman


  • android security
  • Posted by Jeff Vander Stoep, Android Security & Privacy Team and Chong Zhang, Android Media Team

    [Cross-posted from the Android Developers Blog]

    Android Q Beta versions are now publicly available. Among the various new features introduced in Android Q are some important security hardening changes. While exciting new security features are added in each Android release, hardening generally refers to security improvements made to existing components.

    When prioritizing platform hardening, we analyze data from a number of sources including our vulnerability rewards program (VRP). Past security issues provide useful insight into which components can use additional hardening. Android publishes monthly security bulletins which include fixes for all the high/critical severity vulnerabilities in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) reported through our VRP. While fixing vulnerabilities is necessary, we also get a lot of value from the metadata - analysis on the location and class of vulnerabilities. With this insight we can apply the following strategies to our existing components:

    • Contain: isolating and de-privileging components, particularly ones that handle untrusted content. This includes:
      • Access control: adding permission checks, increasing the granularity of permission checks, or switching to safer defaults (for example, default deny).
      • Attack surface reduction: reducing the number of entry/exit points (i.e. principle of least privilege).
      • Architectural decomposition: breaking privileged processes into less privileged components and applying attack surface reduction.
    • Mitigate: Assume vulnerabilities exist and actively defend against classes of vulnerabilities or common exploitation techniques.

    Here’s a look at high severity vulnerabilities by component and cause from 2018:

    Most of Android’s vulnerabilities occur in the media and bluetooth components. Use-after-free (UAF), integer overflows, and out of bounds (OOB) reads/writes comprise 90% of vulnerabilities with OOB being the most common.

    A Constrained Sandbox for Software Codecs

    In Android Q, we moved software codecs out of the main mediacodec service into a constrained sandbox. This is a big step forward in our effort to improve security by isolating various media components into less privileged sandboxes. As Mark Brand of Project Zero points out in his Return To Libstagefright blog post, constrained sandboxes are not where an attacker wants to end up. In 2018, approximately 80% of the critical/high severity vulnerabilities in media components occurred in software codecs, meaning further isolating them is a big improvement. Due to the increased protection provided by the new mediaswcodec sandbox, these same vulnerabilities will receive a lower severity based on Android’s severity guidelines.

    The following figure shows an overview of the evolution of media services layout in the recent Android releases.

    • Prior to N, media services are all inside one monolithic mediaserver process, and the extractors run inside the client.
    • In N, we delivered a major security re-architect, where a number of lower-level media services are spun off into individual service processes with reduced privilege sandboxes. Extractors are moved into server side, and put into a constrained sandbox. Only a couple of higher-level functionalities remained in mediaserver itself.
    • In O, the services are “treblized,” and further deprivileged that is, separated into individual sandboxes and converted into HALs. The media.codec service became a HAL while still hosting both software and hardware codec implementations.
    • In Q, the software codecs are extracted from the media.codec process, and moved back to system side. It becomes a system service that exposes the codec HAL interface. Selinux policy and seccomp filters are further tightened up for this process. In particular, while the previous mediacodec process had access to device drivers for hardware accelerated codecs, the software codec process has no access to device drivers.

    With this move, we now have the two primary sources for media vulnerabilities tightly sandboxed within constrained processes. Software codecs are similar to extractors in that they both have extensive code parsing bitstreams from untrusted sources. Once a vulnerability is identified in the source code, it can be triggered by sending a crafted media file to media APIs (such as MediaExtractor or MediaCodec). Sandboxing these two services allows us to reduce the severity of potential security vulnerabilities without compromising performance.

    In addition to constraining riskier codecs, a lot of work has also gone into preventing common types of vulnerabilities.

    Bound Sanitizer

    Incorrect or missing memory bounds checking on arrays account for about 34% of Android’s userspace vulnerabilities. In cases where the array size is known at compile time, LLVM’s bound sanitizer (BoundSan) can automatically instrument arrays to prevent overflows and fail safely.

    BoundSan instrumentation

    BoundSan is enabled in 11 media codecs and throughout the Bluetooth stack for Android Q. By optimizing away a number of unnecessary checks the performance overhead was reduced to less than 1%. BoundSan has already found/prevented potential vulnerabilities in codecs and Bluetooth.

    More integer sanitizer in more places

    Android pioneered the production use of sanitizers in Android Nougat when we first started rolling out integer sanization (IntSan) in the media frameworks. This work has continued with each release and has been very successful in preventing otherwise exploitable vulnerabilities. For example, new IntSan coverage in Android Pie mitigated 11 critical vulnerabilities. Enabling IntSan is challenging because overflows are generally benign and unsigned integer overflows are well defined and sometimes intentional. This is quite different from the bound sanitizer where OOB reads/writes are always unintended and often exploitable. Enabling Intsan has been a multi year project, but with Q we have fully enabled it across the media frameworks with the inclusion of 11 more codecs.

    IntSan Instrumentation

    IntSan works by instrumenting arithmetic operations to abort when an overflow occurs. This instrumentation can have an impact on performance, so evaluating the impact on CPU usage is necessary. In cases where performance impact was too high, we identified hot functions and individually disabled IntSan on those functions after manually reviewing them for integer safety.

    BoundSan and IntSan are considered strong mitigations because (where applied) they prevent the root cause of memory safety vulnerabilities. The class of mitigations described next target common exploitation techniques. These mitigations are considered to be probabilistic because they make exploitation more difficult by limiting how a vulnerability may be used.

    Shadow Call Stack

    LLVM’s Control Flow Integrity (CFI) was enabled in the media frameworks, Bluetooth, and NFC in Android Pie. CFI makes code reuse attacks more difficult by protecting the forward-edges of the call graph, such as function pointers and virtual functions. Android Q uses LLVM’s Shadow Call Stack (SCS) to protect return addresses, protecting the backwards-edge of control flow graph. SCS accomplishes this by storing return addresses in a separate shadow stack which is protected from leakage by storing its location in the x18 register, which is now reserved by the compiler.

    SCS Instrumentation

    SCS has negligible performance overhead and a small memory increase due to the separate stack. In Android Q, SCS has been turned on in portions of the Bluetooth stack and is also available for the kernel. We’ll share more on that in an upcoming post.

    eXecute-Only Memory

    Like SCS, eXecute-Only Memory (XOM) aims at making common exploitation techniques more expensive. It does so by strengthening the protections already provided by address space layout randomization (ASLR) which in turn makes code reuse attacks more difficult by requiring attackers to first leak the location of the code they intend to reuse. This often means that an attacker now needs two vulnerabilities, a read primitive and a write primitive, where previously just a write primitive was necessary in order to achieve their goals. XOM protects against leaks (memory disclosures of code segments) by making code unreadable. Attempts to read execute-only code results in the process aborting safely.

    Tombstone from a XOM abort

    Starting in Android Q, platform-provided AArch64 code segments in binaries and libraries are loaded as execute-only. Not all devices will immediately receive the benefit as this enforcement has hardware dependencies (ARMv8.2+) and kernel dependencies (Linux 4.9+, CONFIG_ARM64_UAO). For apps with a targetSdkVersion lower than Q, Android’s zygote process will relax the protection in order to avoid potential app breakage, but 64 bit system processes (for example, mediaextractor, init, vold, etc.) are protected. XOM protections are applied at compile-time and have no memory or CPU overhead.

    Scudo Hardened Allocator

    Scudo is a dynamic heap allocator designed to be resilient against heap related vulnerabilities such as:

    • Use-after-frees: by quarantining freed blocks.
    • Double-frees: by tracking chunk states.
    • Buffer overflows: by check summing headers.
    • Heap sprays and layout manipulation: by improved randomization.

    Scudo does not prevent exploitation but rather proactively manages memory in a way to make exploitation more difficult. It is configurable on a per-process basis depending on performance requirements. Scudo is enabled in extractors and codecs in the media frameworks.

    Tombstone from Scudo aborts

    Contributing security improvements to Open Source

    AOSP makes use of a number of Open Source Projects to build and secure Android. Google is actively contributing back to these projects in a number of security critical areas:

    Thank you to Ivan Lozano, Kevin Deus, Kostya Kortchinsky, Kostya Serebryany, and Mike Antares for their contributions to this post.


    What’s New in Android Q Security

    Published: 2019-05-09 15:35:00

    Popularity: 125

    Author: Eugene Liderman


  • android security
  • Posted by Rene Mayrhofer and Xiaowen Xin, Android Security & Privacy Team

    [Cross-posted from the Android Developers Blog]

    With every new version of Android, one of our top priorities is raising the bar for security. Over the last few years, these improvements have led to measurable progress across the ecosystem, and 2018 was no different.

    In the 4th quarter of 2018, we had 84% more devices receiving a security update than in the same quarter the prior year. At the same time, no critical security vulnerabilities affecting the Android platform were publicly disclosed without a security update or mitigation available in 2018, and we saw a 20% year-over-year decline in the proportion of devices that installed a Potentially Harmful App. In the spirit of transparency, we released this data and more in our Android Security & Privacy 2018 Year In Review.

    But now you may be asking, what’s next?

    Today at Google I/O we lifted the curtain on all the new security features being integrated into Android Q. We plan to go deeper on each feature in the coming weeks and months, but first wanted to share a quick summary of all the security goodness we’re adding to the platform.


    Storage encryption is one of the most fundamental (and effective) security technologies, but current encryption standards require devices have cryptographic acceleration hardware. Because of this requirement many devices are not capable of using storage encryption. The launch of Adiantum changes that in the Android Q release. We announced Adiantum in February. Adiantum is designed to run efficiently without specialized hardware, and can work across everything from smart watches to internet-connected medical devices.

    Our commitment to the importance of encryption continues with the Android Q release. All compatible Android devices newly launching with Android Q are required to encrypt user data, with no exceptions. This includes phones, tablets, televisions, and automotive devices. This will ensure the next generation of devices are more secure than their predecessors, and allow the next billion people coming online for the first time to do so safely.

    However, storage encryption is just one half of the picture, which is why we are also enabling TLS 1.3 support by default in Android Q. TLS 1.3 is a major revision to the TLS standard finalized by the IETF in August 2018. It is faster, more secure, and more private. TLS 1.3 can often complete the handshake in fewer roundtrips, making the connection time up to 40% faster for those sessions. From a security perspective, TLS 1.3 removes support for weaker cryptographic algorithms, as well as some insecure or obsolete features. It uses a newly-designed handshake which fixes several weaknesses in TLS 1.2. The new protocol is cleaner, less error prone, and more resilient to key compromise. Finally, from a privacy perspective, TLS 1.3 encrypts more of the handshake to better protect the identities of the participating parties.

    Platform Hardening

    Android utilizes a strategy of defense-in-depth to ensure that individual implementation bugs are insufficient for bypassing our security systems. We apply process isolation, attack surface reduction, architectural decomposition, and exploit mitigations to render vulnerabilities more difficult or impossible to exploit, and to increase the number of vulnerabilities needed by an attacker to achieve their goals.

    In Android Q, we have applied these strategies to security critical areas such as media, Bluetooth, and the kernel. We describe these improvements more extensively in a separate blog post, but some highlights include:

    • A constrained sandbox for software codecs.
    • Increased production use of sanitizers to mitigate entire classes of vulnerabilities in components that process untrusted content.
    • Shadow Call Stack, which provides backward-edge Control Flow Integrity (CFI) and complements the forward-edge protection provided by LLVM’s CFI.
    • Protecting Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) against leaks using eXecute-Only Memory (XOM).
    • Introduction of Scudo hardened allocator which makes a number of heap related vulnerabilities more difficult to exploit.


    Android Pie introduced the BiometricPrompt API to help apps utilize biometrics, including face, fingerprint, and iris. Since the launch, we’ve seen a lot of apps embrace the new API, and now with Android Q, we’ve updated the underlying framework with robust support for face and fingerprint. Additionally, we expanded the API to support additional use-cases, including both implicit and explicit authentication.

    In the explicit flow, the user must perform an action to proceed, such as tap their finger to the fingerprint sensor. If they’re using face or iris to authenticate, then the user must click an additional button to proceed. The explicit flow is the default flow and should be used for all high-value transactions such as payments.

    Implicit flow does not require an additional user action. It is used to provide a lighter-weight, more seamless experience for transactions that are readily and easily reversible, such as sign-in and autofill.

    Another handy new feature in BiometricPrompt is the ability to check if a device supports biometric authentication prior to invoking BiometricPrompt. This is useful when the app wants to show an “enable biometric sign-in” or similar item in their sign-in page or in-app settings menu. To support this, we’ve added a new BiometricManager class. You can now call the canAuthenticate() method in it to determine whether the device supports biometric authentication and whether the user is enrolled.

    What’s Next?

    Beyond Android Q, we are looking to add Electronic ID support for mobile apps, so that your phone can be used as an ID, such as a driver’s license. Apps such as these have a lot of security requirements and involves integration between the client application on the holder’s mobile phone, a reader/verifier device, and issuing authority backend systems used for license issuance, updates, and revocation.

    This initiative requires expertise around cryptography and standardization from the ISO and is being led by the Android Security and Privacy team. We will be providing APIs and a reference implementation of HALs for Android devices in order to ensure the platform provides the building blocks for similar security and privacy sensitive applications. You can expect to hear more updates from us on Electronic ID support in the near future.

    Acknowledgements: This post leveraged contributions from Jeff Vander Stoep and Shawn Willden


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    Google and Apple deliver support for unwanted tracking alerts in Android and iOS

    Published: 2024-05-13 17:00:00

    Popularity: 30

    Author: Edward Fernandez


  • android
  • Google and Apple have worked together to create an industry specification – Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers – for Bluetooth tracking devices that makes it possible to alert users across both Android and iOS if such a device is unknowingly being used to track them. This will help mitigate the misuse of devices designed to help keep track of belongings. Google is now launching this capability on Android 6.0+ devices, and today Apple is implementing this capability in iOS 17.5.

    With this new capability, Android users will now get a “Tracker traveling with you” alert on their device if an unknown Bluetooth tracking device is seen moving with them over time, regardless of the platform the device is paired with.

    If a user gets such an alert on their Android device, it means that someone else’s AirTag, Find My Device network-compatible tracker tag, or other industry specification-compatible Bluetooth tracker is moving with them. Android users can view the tracker’s identifier, have the tracker play a sound to help locate it, and access instructions to disable it. Bluetooth tag manufacturers including Chipolo, eufy, Jio, Motorola, and Pebblebee have committed that future tags will be compatible.

    Google’s Find My Device is secure by default and private by design. Multi-layered user protections, including first of its kind safety-first protections, help mitigate potential risks to user privacy and safety while allowing users to effectively locate and recover lost devices. This cross-platform collaboration — an industry first, involving community and industry input — offers instructions and best practices for manufacturers, should they choose to build unwanted tracking alert capabilities into their products. Google and Apple will continue to work with the Internet Engineering Task Force via the Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers working group to develop the official standard for this technology.

